Why, yes, I do have a vampire obsession.
Okay it's not so much "obsession" as "interest." Some of my favorite shows are Buffy and Angel, I loooooooooooooooove the Twilight series (Mmm. Edward.) and right now I'm reading a book called Vamped, a book in which the world is all vampires, humans are rare and the protagonist finds a little girl, his "little Happy Meal" but decides to keep her and raise her. It's so...interesting...
You know, given the choice, I would indeed like to be vampire and live forever. Could you imagine? Being pretty AND living forever? I could get in on that. I'd have to go "vegetarian" like the Cullens. Again, I could get in on that.
But, I haven't really been into the "classic" vampire. Your Lestats, Draculas, Count Choculas...guess it's more of a new age kind of thing.
One of my hidden talents: I'm a phlebotomist!! I get called a vampire more often than not by my coworkers. I arrest a lot of drunk drivers...I draw their blood when they don't want to blow into my intoxilizer :)
I've never seen Buffy though...
Randi :)
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